Look at a range from 30 years ago and compare it to an average range today. Where is the progress?
In our view, the driving range is paramount in efforts to attract new golfers and to develop current golfers, but how is it taken care of?
Additionally, current trends highlight that people want to consume golf quicker, at a time that is convenient to them and preferably with the help of digital tools. A full 18-hole round does not always appeal to the modern golfer.
Our Method
Through our close partnerships with our clients, we have gained insight into over 200 driving ranges. Combined with our vast previous experience from the golf industry, we now want to inspire and motivate more golf courses and make them realize how important the driving range truly is.
Furthermore, we want to show you how the range can become your most important revenue source.
We have identified the cornerstones of operating a successful driving range
At our workshops, we focus on your specific range and your prerequisites. By looking at the range as a revenue source and searching for ways to streamline all the various processes, we can identify crucial alterations that do not require massive investments.
One step at a time drives the development of the range forward. As such, Boost Method consists of 4 workshops with follow-ups in-between. We analyze the progress being made by looking at certain key figures that we have identified.
Through Boost Method, we help you double your turnover at the driving range in just 24 months.

At first, joining the Boost Method consultation program - in order to develop our driving range - did not seem necessary. We were already pleased with our revenue at the range, and the idea of doubling it felt close to impossible.
Even though we were pessimistic, we decided to attend the introductory workshop and wow - it turned out to be our eureka moment! We signed up to the program right there and then, and The Bucket Pros agreed to hold the same workshop again for all our personnel. It was an amazing experience and enabled us to create an attainable, dream version of Kalmar Golf Club.
We joined the Boost Method in February, and despite a cold Swedish spring, we saw record figures at the range by April.
Karl-Martin Härström
Club Manager
Average increase in turnover year 1 with
Average increase in turnover year 1 with
RMS Pro + Boost Method

Sign up today for free!
Have a strategy call with our range developer or attend to a webinar with focus on revenue management for your driving range.